About iSinkwe

ISinkwe adds either user-provided human-narrated audio or computer-generated audio to a standard EPUB3 document. iSinkwe automates the synchronisation of the audio to the text of the document at word, sentence and paragraph levels, allowing users to switch between these levels. iSinkwe does not translate the content from one language to another, but simply adds audio to documents that are already written in the language of the user’s choice.

iSinkwe Convert

If users only have a Microsoft DOCX or PDF document, they can convert those documents to the standard EPUB3 format using iSinkwe Convert. They simply upload the document and iSinkwe will provide them with an EPUB3 version within minutes.

Isinkwe Converter diagram

iSinkwe Synchronise

ISinkwe Synchronise allows users to upload the standard EPUB3 document and, optionally, the pre-existing human-narrated audio files, to get out an EPUB3 document with the synchronised text and audio included. When no human-narrated audio is available, computer-generated audio is added instead. iSinkwe also allows for a combination of human-narrated and computer-generated audio. It is operated through a user-friendly website.

Isinkwe Augmenter diagram

iSinkwe Read

To read any of the EPUB3 documents with synchronised text and audio, users need to download and install the iSinkwe Read app. iSinkwe Read is available for Android, iOS and Windows. Once the EPUB3 document is added to the library, users can listen to and navigate through the audio on word, sentence and paragraph levels. Users can also highlight the text on these levels as the audio is played. Users can customise the reading experience by changing the font, font size, background colour, highlighting colour and the playback speed of the audio.
Isinkwe Reader diagram

Sample Documents

Here are some sample synchronised EPUB3 documents that have been created using iSinkwe. Download them now to see what you can expect from iSinkwe.

You can download iSinkwe Read from this page.

Language Title Author Download Here
Afrikaans Bok, die Valse Koning Alice Nakasango Download Afrikaans
English Fruit Shakira Bodio Download English
isiNdebele UThimba uyasindisa! Cornelius Gulere Download isiNdebele
isiXhosa UTselane nesigebenga Lerato Trok Download isiXhosa
isiZulu Mhlaba ngiyakuhlonipha Lesley Koyi Download isiZulu
Sesotho Kwetetswe! Richard Khadambi and Collins Kipkirui Download Sesotho
Sesotho sa Leboa Magozwe Lesley Koyi Download Sesotho sa Leboa
Setswana Dikotara tsa ga Rre Mkhize Lorato Trok Download Setswana
siSwati Kubalwa kwemakhabishi Penelope Smith Download siSwati
Tshivenḓa Vhuhaliya Nangila Violet Otieno Download Tshivenḓa
Xitsonga Swivutiso swa Kariza Jean de Dieu Bavugempore Download Xitsonga

Used with permission from www.africanstorybook.org under a Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 licence.