Get iSinkwe

ISinkwe is a paid service for publishers, universities, schools and private individuals who wish to synchronise their documents.

Please contact us at to discuss pricing options.

To convert and synchronise your documents, you need a browser with internet access. Once you have received your iSinkwe account details from the reseller, you can log in here to start..

Download iSinkwe

For anyone to read your synchronised EPUB3 documents, they can freely download iSinkwe Read from the Google Play Store, the Apple iStore and the Microsoft Windows Store:


Available now:
Coming soon:
Download Apple store logo
Coming soon:

Anyone can open your free synchronised documents in iSinkwe Read. When someone buys a synchronised document from you or another publisher, they must first enter the purchase code of the document once-off in iSinkwe Read, while being connected to the internet. At all other times, they can read their purchased synchronised documents offline.